Welcome to Marsden Childcare Centre

Our Philosophy
At Marsden Childcare our aim is to create a fun place of love and learning, fostering a strong sense of manaaki (ethic of care) that welcomes whānau, and teachers into an environment where they feel loved, safe, seen, heard, and respected.
We provide specialised, quality care and education for tamariki in surroundings designed specifically to meet their needs. A place where each child’s mana is valued, and tamariki are encouraged to be themselves.
We will help our tamariki to learn and grow by trusting them to make their own choices, supporting them in their endeavours to explore and discover the world. Accepting each and every child for who they are, where they come from, and the knowledge they bring with them. Whilst encouraging children to be kind in their words and actions, developing respectful ways of being.
We support whānau in their role as primary caregivers, respecting their choices and preferences regarding the care and education of their tamariki, therefore ensuring whānau feel comfortable with the rhythms, rituals, and routines at Marsden Childcare. Building and maintaining authentic relationships will nurture ongoing open dialogue about their child’s learning and development, and furthermore secure the knowledge that each child’s well-being is very important to us.
We are a team, sharing our collective knowledge and skills, keeping up with current issues, trends, research, and providing a Tiriti based curriculum to the best of our ability; striving to ensure tamariki in our care have optimum learning opportunities and experiences.
At Marsden Childcare we are inspired to foster the potential within our tamariki, to provide an environment where these capable tamariki can be curious, explore and play in a place where they feel they belong; a foundation to lifelong learning!
Marsden Childcare Centre
Marsden Childcare Centre